Josef Fritzl could soon be back on the streets

Josef Fritzl could soon be back on the streets

Josef Fritzl, a notorious sex offender, may be released.

Astrid Wagner, his lawyer, says the perpetrator of one of history’s most terrible atrocities may return to the streets shortly.

“Given his condition, I believe he will be released by next year,” she tells the Mirror.

Josef Fritzl’s terrible crimes
In 2008, Austrian felon Josef Fritzl, 89, shocked the world by imprisoning his daughter Elisabeth in a cellar for 24 years.

He molested her and fathered seven children with her in captivity.

The tragic case was revealed when one of the youngsters needed medical assistance. Fritzl was sentenced to life in prison in 2009 for rape, incest, false imprisonment, and newborn neglect murder.


But now he thinks he may be liberated. The notorious sex offender believes he would leave jail to people “cheering and wanting to shake his hand” if his bid for freedom succeeds.

Fritzl believes society will accept him after his release, despite his unspeakable agony.

This is definitely false. A fantasy. Ms. Wagner, his lawyer, said he doesn’t grasp what the world believes.

His lawyer will apply for parole for Fritzl in March, claiming that his advanced age and declining health make him no longer a threat to society.

Age is frailing him. He’ll be 90 next year. “Now he should be released,” his lawyer told Daily Mail in January.


No longer risky
A January 2024 regional court ruling declared Fritzl no longer dangerous, allowing him to be transferred from a high-security prison to a regular jail.

“If the court rejects it we will appeal and given his condition I believe he will be released by next year,” Ms Wagner told the Mirror.

Fritzl claims to “regret his decisions every day,” but his lawyer told the Mirror that he still thinks he has pals outside prison.

He seems to appreciate his family’s decision to cut contact with him.

Josef Fritzl worked hard to hide his crimes, convincing his wife that Elisabeth had fled. He forged Elisabeth’s letters to make her appear to have left.

He wants a cellar after leaving.
He abused Elisabeth since age 11, and she disappeared at 18 in 1984. Fritzl personally built a small, wet, and mold-infested dungeon beneath his Amstetten, Austria, home to imprison his daughter for nearly two decades.


Elisabeth sought outside help in 2008 when Kerstin, one of the children, became seriously ill. Elisabeth and her children were saved by police after a neighbor called.

In January, Ms. Wagner, his lawyer, revealed to Daily Mail that Mr. Fritzl expressed a desire for a cellar-equipped house upon release from prison.

She added, “He wants a cellar because he needs to store so much. Of course, he’s been transferred from a high-security to a standard prison, but he still has all his things which he has collected over the years.”

I mean tons of files and folders. So he insisted on a cellar in his new home.

You think? Should someone like Josef Fritzl ever be allowed to re-enter the world, especially with such delusions still intact? His lawyer’s comments suggest a disturbing lack of accountability or remorse. Is it possible to truly rehabilitate someone like Josef Fritzl, or are there certain crimes so heinous that release should never be an option?

Let us know your thoughts — can society ever forgive him, or should he remain behind bars forever?


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