If you urinate in the shower, be careful, you should know that

If you urinate in the shower, be careful, you should know that

If you urinate in the shower, be careful, you should know that

Cystitis is a bacterial infection of the urinary system. It is more common in women; around 20% of women experience at least one episode of cystitis in their lifetime.The reason it is more common in women than in men is due to the urethra; in women, it is shorter,

so bacteria travel a shorter distance. That’s why it’s important to maintain proper hygiene.This condition is often transmitted through contact with another person’s


bodily fluids. For this reason, it is essential to consider what happens when you or your partner urinate in the shower

Urinating in the shower can be safe, but it can also have some risks. You should be careful if you have cuts or open wounds, or if you share the shower with others. 

  • Infection

    Urine can contain bacteria, especially if you have a urinary tract infection (UTI). If you have an open wound, bacteria from your urine could enter the wound and cause an infection. 

  • Pelvic floor issues

    Standing in the shower can weaken your pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to urinary incontinence. 

  • Urinary urgency

    The sound of running water can trigger the urge to urinate, which can worsen symptoms of an overactive bladder. 

  • Hygiene

    Urine can contain bacteria and ammonia, which can cause odors and contribute to the growth of harmful microorganisms. This can be especially concerning if you share the shower with others. 

  • Wear clean shower shoes or flip-flops, especially if you have cuts or sores on your feet. 
  • Avoid urinating in the shower if you have an open wound. 
  • If you have pelvic floor dysfunction, the sound of running water could trigger bladder leaks. 



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