According to science, this 43-year-old model has the perfect body!

According to science, this 43-year-old model has the perfect body!

Science frequently validates what we already know to be true, but it sometimes confronts us with new facts that can be perplexing.

A few scientific studies have recently revealed that a 43-year-old model may have the ‘perfect body.’

Everyone, however, was taken aback by her presence. Continue reading to find out more about her!

For a long time, it was widely assumed that the ideal female body type is that of a fashion model, which translates to being incredibly slender.

However, prepare to have your mind blown.

Beauty standards are continuously evolving. Kate Moss’s slender figure has surpassed Marilyn Monroe’s voluptuous figure as the benchmark of beauty.

Because of this ideal, women with an hourglass body are generally admired.

A new study from Texas University, however, calls this long-held belief into question.

According to the findings, women prefer a ‘fuller’ and ‘curvier’ body shape.

The ideal body mass index is 18.85, with a bust measurement of 93 centimeters, a waist measurement of 61 centimeters, and hips of 87 centimeters.

According to the study, a healthy hip-to-waist ratio is between.65 and.75.

These specifications are a near-perfect match for a British model named Kelly Brook.

Society may judge her as ‘plump’ by today’s beauty standards, but research says she has the shape men find most attractive.

Nonetheless, attractiveness is, ultimately, a matter of opinion. Individuals differ in what they find beautiful, as do their aesthetic preferences.

This study may reveal the scientifically ideal body type, but that doesn’t make the non-ideal forms unacceptable or ugly.

This study only demonstrates that the conventional ideal of female beauty—thinness—does not reflect scientific consensus.

Recognizing that this study demonstrates the variance in what we think attractive is particularly relevant in the current day, which places a premium on valuing such diversity.

According to the norms of the modeling profession, women who are deemed plus-size are just as stunning as any other model.

For a long time now, models like Ashley Graham have proven this to be the case.

Do you agree with the study’s conclusion that societal standards of beauty need to be revised?

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